Best Practices


This document needs to be rewritten for 0.6.

Especially, Bag() was removed, and Bonobo either ensure your i/o rows are tuples or some kind of namedtuples.

Please be aware of that while reading, and eventually check the migration guide to 0.6.

The nature of components, and how the data flow from one to another, can be a bit tricky. Hopefully, they should be very easy to write with a few hints.

Pure transformations

One “message” (a.k.a bonobo.Bag instance) may go through more than one component, and at the same time. To ensure your code is safe, one could copy.copy() each message on each transformation input but that’s quite expensive, especially because it may not be needed.

Instead, we chose the opposite: copies are never made, instead you should not modify in place the inputs of your component before yielding them, which that mostly means that you want to recreate dicts and lists before yielding if their values changed.

Numeric values, strings and tuples being immutable in python, modifying a variable of one of those type will already return a different instance.

Examples will be shown with return statements, of course you can do the same with yield statements in generators.


In python, numbers are immutable. So you can’t be wrong with numbers. All of the following are correct.

def do_your_number_thing(n):
    return n

def do_your_number_thing(n):
    return n + 1

def do_your_number_thing(n):
    # correct, but bad style
    n += 1
    return n

The same is true with other numeric types, so don’t be shy.


Tuples are immutable, so you risk nothing.

def do_your_tuple_thing(t):
    return ('foo', ) + t

def do_your_tuple_thing(t):
    return t + ('bar', )

def do_your_tuple_thing(t):
    # correct, but bad style
    t += ('baaaz', )
    return t


You know the drill, strings are immutable, too.

def do_your_str_thing(t):
    return 'foo ' + t + ' bar'

def do_your_str_thing(t):
    return ' '.join(('foo', t, 'bar', ))

def do_your_str_thing(t):
    return 'foo {} bar'.format(t)

You can, if you’re using python 3.6+, use f-strings, but the core bonobo libraries won’t use it to stay 3.5 compatible.


So, now it gets interesting. Dicts are mutable. It means that you can mess things up if you’re not cautious.

For example, doing the following may (will) cause unexpected problems:

def mutate_my_dict_like_crazy(d):
    # Bad! Don't do that!
        'foo': compute_something()
    # Still bad! Don't mutate the dict!
    d['bar'] = compute_anotherthing()
    return d

The problem is easy to understand: as Bonobo won’t make copies of your dict, the same dict will be passed along the transformation graph, and mutations will be seen in components downwards the output (and also upward). Let’s see a more obvious example of something you should not do:

def mutate_my_dict_and_yield() -> dict:
    d = {}
    for i in range(100):
        # Bad! Don't do that!
        d['index'] = i
        yield d

Here, the same dict is yielded in each iteration, and its state when the next component in chain is called is undetermined (how many mutations happened since the yield? Hard to tell…).

Now let’s see how to do it correctly:

def new_dicts_like_crazy(d):
    # Creating a new dict is correct.
    return {
        'foo': compute_something(),
        'bar': compute_anotherthing(),

def new_dict_and_yield():
    for i in range(100):
        # Different dict each time.
        yield {
            'index': i

I bet you think «Yeah, but if I create like millions of dicts …».

Let’s say we chose the opposite way and copied the dict outside the transformation (in fact, it’s what we did in bonobo’s ancestor). This means you will also create the same number of dicts, the difference is that you won’t even notice it. Also, it means that if you want to yield the same dict 1 million times, going “pure” makes it efficient (you’ll just yield the same object 1 million times) while going “copy crazy” would create 1 million identical objects.

Using dicts like this will create a lot of dicts, but also free them as soon as all the future components that take this dict as input are done. Also, one important thing to note is that most primitive data structures in python are immutable, so creating a new dict will of course create a new envelope, but the unchanged objects inside won’t be duplicated.

Last thing, copies made in the “pure” approach are explicit, and usually, explicit is better than implicit.

Where to jump next?

We suggest that you go through the tutorial first.

Then, you can read the guides, either using the order suggested or by picking the chapter that interest you the most at one given moment: