Command-line ============ Bonobo Convert :::::::::::::: Build a simple bonobo graph with one reader and one writer, then execute it, allowing to use bonobo in "no code" mode for simple file format conversions. Syntax: `bonobo convert [-r reader] input_filename [-w writer] output_filename` .. todo:: add a way to override default options of reader/writers, add a way to add "filters", for example this could be used to read from csv and write to csv too (or other format) but adding a geocoder filter that would add some fields. Bonobo Inspect :::::::::::::: Inspects a bonobo graph source files. For now, only support graphviz output. Syntax: `bonobo inspect [--graph|-g] filename` Requires graphviz if you want to generate an actual graph picture, although the command itself depends on nothing. Bonobo Run :::::::::: Run a transformation graph. Syntax: `bonobo run [-c cmd | -m mod | file | -] [arg]` .. todo:: implement -m, check if -c is of any use and if yes, implement it too. Implement args, too. Bonobo RunC ::::::::::: Run a transformation graph in a docker container. Syntax: `bonobo runc [-c cmd | -m mod | file | -] [arg]` .. todo:: implement -m, check if -c is of any use and if yes, implement it too. Implement args, too. Requires `bonobo-docker`, install with `docker` extra: `pip install bonobo[docker]`.