
Transformations are the smallest building blocks in Bonobo.

There is no special data-structure used to represent transformations, it’s basically just a regular python callable, or even an iterable object (if it requires no input data).

Once in a graph, transformations become nodes and the data-flow between them is described using edges.


In this chapter, we’ll consider that anytime we need a “database”, it’s something we can get from the global namespace. This practice OK-ish for small jobs, but not at scale.

You’ll learn in Services and dependencies how to manage external dependencies the right way.

Transformation types

General case

The general case is a transformation that yields n outputs for each input.

You can implement it using a generator:

db = ...

def get_orders(user_id):
    for order in db.get_orders(user_id):
        yield user_id, order

digraph { rankdir = LR; stylesheet = "../_static/graphs.css"; BEFORE [shape=record label="0|1|<current>2|3|…" fontname="Courier New" fontsize=8 margin=0.03 width=0.3 style=filled fillcolor="#fafafa"]; AFTER [shape=record label="{0|order#98}|{<current>2|order#42}|{2|order#43}|{3|order#11}|{3|order#12}|{3|order#16}|{3|order#18}|…" fontname="Courier New" fontsize=8 margin=0.03 width=0.3 style=filled fillcolor="#fafafa"]; BEFORE:current -> "get_orders()" -> AFTER:current; db [shape=cylinder label="" width=0.5 height=0.4]; db -> "get_orders()" [arrowhead=onormal]; { rank = same; "get_orders()" db } }

Here, each row (containing a user id) will be transformed into a set of rows, each containing an user_id and an “order” object.

Extractor case

An extractor is a transformation that generates output without using any input. Usually, it does not generate this data out of nowhere, but instead connects to an external system (database, api, http, files …) to read the data from there.

It can be implemented in two different ways.

  • You can implement it using a generator, like in the general case:
db = ...

def extract_user_ids():
    yield from db.select_all_user_ids()

digraph { rankdir = LR; stylesheet = "../_static/graphs.css"; BEGIN [shape=point]; AFTER [shape=record label="<f0>0|1|2|3|…" fontname="Courier New" fontsize=8 margin=0.03 width=0.3 style=filled fillcolor="#fafafa"]; BEGIN -> "extract_user_ids()" -> AFTER:f0; db [shape=cylinder label="" width=0.5 height=0.4]; db -> "extract_user_ids()" [arrowhead=onormal]; { rank = same; "extract_user_ids()" db } }

  • You can also use an iterator directly:
import bonobo

db = ...

def get_graph():
    graph = bonobo.Graph()
    return graph

It is very convenient in many cases, when your existing system already have an interface that gives you iterators.


It’s important to use a generative approach that yield data as it is provided and not generate everything at once before returning, so Bonobo can pass the data to the next nodes as soon as it starts streaming.

Loader case

A loader is a transformation that sends its input into an external system. To have a perfect symmetry with extractors, we’d like not to have any output but as a convenience and because it has a negligible cost in Bonobo, the convention is that all loaders return bonobo.constants.NOT_MODIFIED, meaning that all rows that streamed into this node’s input will also stream into its outputs, not modified. It allows to chain transformations even after a loader happened, and avoid using shenanigans to achieve the same thing:

from bonobo.constants import NOT_MODIFIED

analytics_db = ...

def load_into_analytics_db(user_id, order):
    analytics_db.insert_or_update_order(user_id, order['id'], order['amount'])
    return NOT_MODIFIED

digraph { rankdir = LR; stylesheet = "../_static/graphs.css"; BEFORE [shape=record label="{0|order#98}|{2|<current>order#42}|{2|order#43}|{3|order#11}|{3|order#12}|{3|order#16}|{3|order#18}|…" fontname="Courier New" fontsize=8 margin=0.03 width=0.3 style=filled fillcolor="#fafafa"]; AFTER [shape=record label="{0|order#98}|{<current>2|order#42}|{2|order#43}|{3|order#11}|{3|order#12}|{3|order#16}|{3|order#18}|…" fontname="Courier New" fontsize=8 margin=0.03 width=0.3 style=filled fillcolor="#fafafa"]; BEFORE:current -> "load_into_analytics_db()"; "load_into_analytics_db()" -> AFTER:current [label="NOT_MODIFIED" fontsize=8 fontname="Courier New"]; db [shape=cylinder label="" width=0.5 height=0.4]; db -> "load_into_analytics_db()" [arrowtail=onormal dir=back]; { rank = same; "load_into_analytics_db()" db } }

Execution Context

Transformations being regular functions, a bit of machinery is required to use them as nodes in a streaming flow.

When a bonobo.Graph is executed, each node is wrapped in a bonobo.execution.contexts.NodeExecutionContext which is responsible for keeping the state of a node, within a given execution.

Inputs and Outputs

When run in an execution context, transformations have inputs and outputs, which means that Bonobo will pass data that comes in the input queue as calls, and push returned / yielded values into the output queue.

digraph { rankdir = LR; stylesheet = "../_static/graphs.css"; "Input Queue" [shape=record label="{|||||}" margin=0.03 width=1 style=filled fillcolor="#fafafa" height=0.25]; "Output Queue" [shape=record label="{|||||}" margin=0.03 width=1 style=filled fillcolor="#fafafa" height=0.25]; "Input Queue" -> "transformation" [label="input"]; "transformation" -> "Output Queue" [label="output"]; }

For thread-based strategies, the underlying implementation if the input and output queues is the standard queue.Queue.



proofread, check consistency and correctness

All input is retrieved via the call arguments. Each line of input means one call to the callable provided. Arguments will be, in order:

  • Injected dependencies (database, http, filesystem, …)
  • Position based arguments
  • Keyword based arguments

You’ll see below how to pass each of those.



proofread, check consistency and correctness

Each callable can return/yield different things (all examples will use yield, but if there is only one output per input line, you can also return your output row and expect the exact same behaviour).


add rules for output parsing

The logic is defined in this piece of code, documentation will be added soon:

NodeExecutionContext._cast(self, _input, _output)
    def _cast(self, _input, _output):
        Transforms a pair of input/output into the real slim shoutput.

        :param _input: Bag
        :param _output: mixed
        :return: Bag

        if isenvelope(_output):
            _output, _flags, _options = _output.unfold()
            _flags, _options = [], {}

        if len(_flags):
            # TODO: parse flags to check constraints are respected (like not modified alone, etc.)

            if F_NOT_MODIFIED in _flags:
                if self._output_type:
                    return ensure_tuple(_input, cls=self._output_type)
                return _input

            if F_INHERIT in _flags:
                if self._output_type is None:
                    self._output_type = concat_types(
                        self._input_type, self._input_length, self._output_type, len(_output)
                _output = _input + ensure_tuple(_output)

        if not self._output_type:
            if issubclass(type(_output), tuple):
                self._output_type = type(_output)

        return ensure_tuple(_output, cls=self._output_type)

Basically, after checking a few flags (NOT_MODIFIED, then INHERIT), it will “cast” the data into the “output type”, which is either tuple or a kind of namedtuple.


document cast/input_type/output_type logic.

Class-based Transformations

For use cases that are either less simple or that requires better reusability, you may want to use classes to define some of your transformations.


narrative doc


  • bonobo.config.Configurable
  • bonobo.config.Option
  • bonobo.config.Service
  • bonobo.config.Method
  • bonobo.config.ContextProcessor

Naming conventions

The naming convention used is the following.

If you’re naming something which is an actual transformation, that can be used directly as a graph node, then use underscores and lowercase names:

# instance of a class based transformation
filter = Filter(...)

# function based transformation
def uppercase(s: str) -> str:
    return s.upper()

If you’re naming something which is configurable, that will need to be instantiated or called to obtain something that can be used as a graph node, then use camelcase names:

# configurable
class ChangeCase(Configurable):
    modifier = Option(default='upper')
    def __call__(self, s: str) -> str:
        return getattr(s, self.modifier)()

# transformation factory
def Apply(method):
    def apply(s: str) -> str:
        return method(s)
    return apply

# result is a graph node candidate
upper = Apply(str.upper)


As Bonobo use plain old python objects as transformations, it’s very easy to unit test your transformations using your favourite testing framework. We’re using pytest internally for Bonobo, but it’s up to you to use the one you prefer.

If you want to test a transformation with the surrounding context provided (for example, service instances injected, and context processors applied), you can use bonobo.execution.NodeExecutionContext as a context processor and have bonobo send the data to your transformation.

from bonobo.execution import NodeExecutionContext

with NodeExecutionContext(
    JsonWriter(filename), services={'fs': ...}
) as context:
    # Write a list of rows, including BEGIN/END control messages.
        {'foo': 'bar'},
        {'foo': 'baz'},

Where to jump next?

We suggest that you go through the tutorial first.

Then, you can read the guides, either using the order suggested or by picking the chapter that interest you the most at one given moment: